Home / Our Services/Separation and Divorce/ Fatima M.
Fatima M.

Fatima M.

Experience(Years): 30+
Given Sessions: +12000hours
Working with:Individuals,Couples
Area:Depression,Intimacy,Trauma, Abuse, Life Transitions,Gender Difficulty,Family&Marriage Conflicts

Nearest Availability Calendar

03 May 06:00


Fatima M.

Fatima M.

Total Experience (Years):30+
As a therapist, I believe in the ability of individuals to heal and better their lives, transforming difficulties, trauma, and anxiety into personal insight.
I support individuals and couples with a wide range of issues that include concerns around sex and intimacy, communication and relationship difficulties, recovery from childhood trauma, sexual abuse, life transitions and searching for meaning, sexual orientation, gender difficulties, coming to terms with disability and fertility-related issues.
I offer integrative psychosexual and relationship therapy in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment. I use different approaches from a variety of therapeutic models to suit your needs so that you are able to walk your own path towards self-knowledge, understand your current emotions and behaviours and gain insights about the influence of past experiences, family and society.

Areas of Counselling I deal with





Borderline Personality (BPD)



Gender Difficulities

Life Transitions

Life Coaching


Pregnancy, Prenatal, Postpartum

Relationship issues

Sexual Orientation

Sexual Abuse






BSc in Psychology1986, Universidad de Sevilla
Master in Homeopatía - 1990, Escuela Médico Homeopática Andaluza
Master in Coaching - 2010, Sevilla Coaching


30 Years Counseling Private Clinic, Spain
3 Years Counsellig Prison Hospital, Spain
6 Years Elder Courses Yoga and meditation , Spain

Qualifications and Training & Certificates & Awards

Asociacion de Psicología Analítica de Sevilla
Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Wordly Association

Therapies Offered

Person Centered Therapy

Analitic Therapy

Transpersonal Therapy

Fátima help me with all her resorces in a very bad moment of my life, resolving my diggestive problems and adiction to tobacco too. I am very grateful with her

Chemotherapy consequences. Adiction to tobacco:


Carm*** - Age: 60 

I am the third in a family with a lot of problems, My parents never gve me love, in the last 20 years I suffer depression, anxiety and lack of self steem, Fátima provides me the tools for my cure


 Mar**** - Age:38

I had a lots of problems in my family life, with my wife and daughter, they have lack of apretiation from my rol in the family, I started to have a deep depression, when I meet Fátima, she help me to overcome that depression and feel me much better in my life


Lui**** - Age:68

I had a deep depression like consequence of a complicate work with a complicate boss, I started to have adiction to internet games and pornografics webs, insonmia and anxiety, Fátima helps me and now I have a goal work in informatic job, overcome my past and return with my bride that I love


 Mig****** - Age:48

Start a video consultation
3 Credit / MIN.
Start a audio consultation
3 Credit / MIN.

Get Appointment


En esta cita tendrá la oportunidad de que nos conozcamos y le daré información sobre mi terapia y usted me dará breve información sobre lo que desea mejorar en su vida. Gracias por acudir a mi.
Free Of Charge
Duration 10 Min.

Initial Session

The initial session is 15mins. Please book your session for the next day or afterward.
Free Of Charge
Duration 15 Min.

Primera consulta

En esta primera consulta, la persona describe la situación que le preocupa y elaboro la anamnesis o historia personal, llegando a un acuerdo sobre la duración del tratamiento y consejo requerido
50 $ 50 Credit
Duration 60 Min.

Single Session

For ones who need only one session.
50 £
Duration 50 Min.


For those who need mid-term help.
150 £
Duration 50 Min.
Session 3

Follow-up Session

For those who needs follow-up session.
30 £
Duration 30 Min.