Home / Our Services/ Bipolar Disorder

Dr. Luisa Bonomi

Dr. Luisa Bonomi

Clinical Psychologist
Given Sessions:12000+ hours
Working with:Individuals,Adults&Teen
Area:Depression,Anxiety,Eating Disorders, Sexual Dysfunction,Couple Crisis
Dr.Livia Tedaldi

Dr.Livia Tedaldi

Clinical Psychologist
Experience(Years): 24+
Given Sessions: over 23000hours
Working with:Individuals,Couples,&Teen
Areas:Depression,Anxiety,ADD,BPD, Bipolar,ASD
Sam Agnew

Sam Agnew

Psychotherapist /Life Coach
Given Sessions:over 2500hours
Working with:Individuals,Couples,&Teen
Area:LGBTQIA+,ADHD,PTSD,CPTSD, Anxiety,Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,Dyscalculia
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings or episodes of mania and depression. But know that you're not alone.
Our team of highly qualified psychotherapists has helped countless individuals just like you manage their bipolar and live a life that seemed unimaginable before.
We understand that seeking therapy can be a difficult decision. That’s why our highly experienced therapists are compassionate, and offer a safe, non-judgmental space to work through your bipolar.

View the profiles of our therapists below to learn more about them, how they can help you and to book in an initial consultation.

Bipolar Disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder, encompassing conditions such as manic-depressive bipolar disorder and manic bipolar disorder, was formerly known as manic-depressive illness. This mental health condition is characterized by extreme mood swings, oscillating between emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression) These mood swings, if left unaddressed, can be severe and have a profound impact on daily life, influencing relationships, work, and overall well-being. If you find yourself questioning your mental health, reaching out for bipolar help is crucial. It's not uncommon for individuals to think, "I think I have bipolar disorder," and seeking professional guidance is the first step towards understanding and managing this complex condition.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

It's essential to note that not everyone with bipolar disorder experiences all of these symptoms, and the severity and frequency of episodes can vary greatly between individuals. Additionally, symptoms may change over time, making it crucial for individuals to work closely with mental health professionals to monitor and manage their condition effectively. Early recognition and intervention are key to minimizing the impact of bipolar disorder on one's life and promoting stability and well-being.

  • Mania:
    • Increased energy and activity levels
    • Elevated mood or extreme irritability
    • Racing thoughts and rapid speech
    • Decreased need for sleep
    • Impulsive behaviour and poor decision-making
    • Grandiose beliefs or unrealistic thinking
  • Depression:
    • Persistent sadness or hopelessness
    • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
    • Changes in appetite or weight
    • Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping
    • Fatigue or loss of energy
    • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
    • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Hypomania (in Bipolar II Disorder):
    • Similar symptoms to mania, but less severe
    • Increased energy and productivity
    • Elevated mood
    • Engaging in pleasurable activities with heightened enthusiasm
Types of Bipolar Disorder
  • Bipolar I Disorder: This type of bipolar disorder is characterized by manic episodes lasting at least seven days or by manic symptoms that are severe enough to require immediate medical care. Additionally, depressive episodes are common, lasting at least two weeks. Individuals with Bipolar I Disorder may experience extreme shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels, often leading to significant disruptions in daily functioning.
  • Bipolar II Disorder: Unlike Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder is defined by a pattern of depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes. Hypomania is a less severe form of mania, marked by a distinct period of elevated mood, increased energy, and other manic symptoms that are not as intense as those seen in Bipolar I Disorder. However, individuals with Bipolar II Disorder do not experience full-blown manic episodes.
  • Cyclothymic Disorder: Cyclothymic Disorder represents a milder form of bipolar disorder, characterized by chronic mood fluctuations involving numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms. These mood swings are less severe and do not meet the diagnostic criteria for Bipolar I or II Disorder. However, the cyclical nature of these mood disturbances can still significantly impact daily functioning and overall quality of life.

Understanding the distinctions between these types of bipolar disorder is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment planning. While each type shares common features of mood instability, their specific symptom patterns and severity levels vary, necessitating tailored interventions to effectively manage symptoms and promote stability.

Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens

While bipolar disorder often develops in late adolescence or early adulthood, it can also affect children and adolescents. Symptoms in children may manifest differently, with mood swings, irritability, and behavioural problems being common signs. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial in managing bipolar disorder in teens.

Bipolar Disorder and Relationships

Living with bipolar disorder can pose unique challenges in relationships. Mood swings, erratic behaviour, and communication difficulties can strain partnerships and familial ties. However, with understanding, patience, and support, individuals with bipolar disorder can cultivate healthy relationships.

Bipolar Disorder in Men and Women

Bipolar disorder affects both men and women, although some differences may exist in symptom presentation and response to treatment. Women may experience more depressive episodes, while men may have more manic episodes. Hormonal fluctuations, especially during pregnancy and menopause , can also impact the course of bipolar disorder in women.

Living with Bipolar Disorder

Managing bipolar disorder involves ongoing self-care and treatment. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management, can help stabilize mood. Engaging in therapy and support groups can provide coping strategies and a sense of community for those living with bipolar disorder.

Seeking Help and Managing Bipolar Disorder

If you suspect you have bipolar disorder or are struggling to manage your symptoms, it's essential to seek professional help. A bipolar therapist can provide an accurate diagnosis and develop a tailored treatment plan. The best therapy for bipolar disorder may vary depending on individual needs, but options such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), and interpersonal therapy (IPT) are commonly utilized.

Dealing with Bipolar Disorder

Dealing with bipolar disorder requires resilience, patience, and a willingness to prioritize mental health. By managing bipolar disorder effectively and accessing appropriate support and resources, individuals can lead fulfilling lives despite the challenges posed by the bipolar spectrum. If you're struggling, remember that you're not alone, and help is available.

In addition to bipolar disorder, it's important to recognize that individuals may also experience co-occurring mental health conditions such as autism, ADHD, panic attacks, anger management difficulties, and narcissistic personality disorder. These conditions can further complicate treatment and require a comprehensive approach to therapy. Addressing underlying trauma is often an essential component of therapy for individuals with bipolar disorder and co-occurring conditions.

At TimeToBetter, we recognize the multifaceted nature of mental health challenges and offer a platform that aligns with our vision of making professional therapy accessible, affordable, secure, and convenient. Our therapists, experienced in navigating bipolar disorder and its complexities, are here to guide you on your journey toward stability and well-being. Because at TimeToBetter, we believe in empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges and embrace their unique paths with resilience and strength. Take the first step by exploring the profiles of our therapists and booking that initial consultation. Your transformative journey awaits, and we’re here to make it epic.