Knowing The Different Types Of ADHD

By : TimeToBetter June,2024

Did you know that ADHD is not uniform and may have also been something you have heard of? Nope, not at all! Surprisingly, various forms of ADHD exist, possessing different manifestations and peculiarities. Therefore, let us see this place hand-in-hand and untwine ADHD's thread!

Understanding Your Unique ADHD Experience

The first move towards effectively managing ADHD is educating oneself about it. The knowledge of how ADHD shows up in your body will be useful when it comes to identifying potential triggers that will aggravate the situation, finding solutions, and advocating for yourself.

It therefore necessitates seeking professional support. They will have a proper diagnosis of your condition and determine how serious it is, as well as to treat you accordingly. ADHD treatments encompassed the use of medications or some sort of behavioral therapy .

A Look Into The Different Types Of ADHD

To begin with, there are 3 types of ADHD. Yes, you heard it right- different flavors, as you may call them. It is not a unified entity; rather, it spans a spectrum such as ADHD and autism , ADHD and anxiety , ADHD and depression . That's perfectly fine since you might have a higher connection towards one type and not the other types. Analyzing this will help you figure your way through life with ADHD. The following are considered the main types, of which, inattentive and hyperactive, are the main 2 types of ADHD :

  • Inattentive Type: Are you someone who always finds it difficult to concentrate? You might be humming the tunes of inattentive type ADHD. You are found easily distractible and forgetful with a poor concentration span. Imagine a radio in your mind that plays different songs without your consent.
  • Hyperactive-Impulsive Type: Hello the hyperactivity-impulsivity people, who are constantly in movement and quick in decision making. It's like having an engine at the heart that never runs out of gasoline.
  • Combined Type: Picture a mix-up of inattentive and hyperactive – impulsive types now. That's the combined type. This may mean that you face a mix of strengths and difficulties, which, in turn, will create an individual character just for you.

What's more, ADHD has some unusual sidekicks that come along for the ride, which sometimes are classified into 7 types of ADHD . Anxiety, depressive symptoms, misophonia ADHD, and trichotillomania ADHD can accompany it. However, do not be worried as you are not in this alone. People with ADHD often move in and out of people's lives and they can cope with these problems.

ADD means you can't pay attention to what you are not interested in... Edward M. Hallowell

Treating ADHD: Getting The Right Help At the Right Time

Listen well; ADHD does not just disappear when one becomes an adult. It's as if he'll not move his shoulders because of the burden of wonders. The main point, then, is about accepting and using them in a time of difficulties.

It is good for you to be reminded that you are definitely not by yourself during this period. Join support groups of online communities where individuals share experiences, and get perspectives and help from other people who know what you are going through.

Remember that professional help is readily available to make your life more manageable, healthier, and ultimately more enjoyable as you navigate the world of ADHD and embrace your unique journey. Our team of highly qualified and licensed experts is only a click away, ready to help you on your journey to empowerment and growth. Masters-educated UK experts provide non-judgmental, non-discriminatory sessions. Years of experience, licensing, and thousands of sessions guarantee expertise without regard to gender, race, religion, class, nationality, disability, or sexual orientation.

Please do not hesitate to contact us; we have more in store for you! Make your appointment today and let's embark on this life-changing journey together.

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