Home / Our Services/ Diabetes Diet

Irem Tiryaki

Irem Tiryaki

Experience(Years): 7+
Given Sessions: over 5000hours
Working with:Individuals,Couples,&Teen
Area:Weight control,Dieting,Eating Disorders, Diabetic,Osteoporosis,Gut Health
Caroline M.

Caroline M.

Experience(Years): 6+
Given Sessions: +10400hours
Area:Obesity,Chronic Kidney Failure,Anemia,Hypertension, Diabetes,Ulcer Pressure,Anoerxia,Appendecitis, Gastritis,Cancer
Mariana S.

Mariana S.

Nutritionist /MB Coach
Licence: AFN&MB
Experience(Years): 7+
Given Sessions: +500h
Area:Weight Management,Polycystic Ovary Syndrome,Diabetes, Metabolic
Syndrome,Blood Sugar Control.
Ezgi Pekgoz

Ezgi Pekgoz

Experience(Years): 7+
Given Sessions: over 5500hours
Working with:Individuals,Couples,&Teen
Area:Weight control,Dieting,Eating Disorders, Diabetic,Osteoporosis,Gut Health
Nabila A.

Nabila A.

Experience(Years): 13+
Given Sessions: over 10000hours
Working with:Individuals
Area:Weight control,Dieting,Obesity, Diabetic,Hormonal Imbalance,Gut Health,Menopause,Fatique,Stress

How to Manage Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how your body regulates blood sugar, either due to insufficient insulin production or ineffective insulin use. Managing diabetes involves a comprehensive approach that includes monitoring blood glucose levels, adopting a balanced diet, and incorporating regular physical activity. Effective diabetes management can help prevent complications, improve overall health, and enhance quality of life.

Our approach focuses on helping individuals understand and control their condition with tailored nutrition plans, effective blood sugar monitoring, and lifestyle adjustments. By addressing your unique needs and challenges, we provide practical strategies to maintain optimal glucose levels, enhance overall health, and improve quality of life.

With Nutrition Coaching for Diabetes you can :

  • Personalized Dietary Plans
  • Improved Insulin Sensitivity
  • Blood Sugar Control
  • Improved Overall Health
  • Enhanced Nutrient Intake
  • Enhanced Quality of Life
  • Long-Term Health Improvement
  • Symptom Management
  • Weight Management
  • Stress Reduction

Empowering your journey to better blood sugar control with personalized care and support.

How it Works

ProfessionalNutrition Coaching You Can Choose

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    Select a Nutritionist

    Select one of the highly qualified,verified and experienced nutritionists.

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    Book an Appointment

    Schedule an appointment that best suits you.

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    Start Your Session

    When it is time, start your journey from the comfort of your own home.


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Diabetes Meal Plan

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition that affects the processing of blood sugar levels in your body. As a result, your fasting blood sugar and blood sugar levels after eating remain higher than normal. Diabetes management becomes essential to avoid the extremes of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia symptoms (low blood sugar) as both of them have deadly consequences.

Diabetes management requires you to follow careful lifestyle planning, especially in your diet as diabetes and food are interrelated. You can stabilize your blood sugar levels with a well-structured diabetic diet. In this blog post, let’s talk about different types of diabetes, diabetic diet plan, diabetes symptoms and considerations for managing it

Types of Diabetes

To make an effective diabetic eating plan, you first need to understand the types of diabetes. Here are the main types:

Type 1 Diabetes:

This is an auto-immune condition, where the body attacks the insulin-producing cells in your pancreas. People with this kind of diabetes have to take insulin injections or an insulin pump. However, taking injections is not enough as the patient needs to balance the carbohydrate intake also.

Type 2 Diabetes:

People tend to develop this kind of diabetes due to lifestyle factors. In this, the person may face lack of insulin production or have insulin resistance. As a result, the blood glucose levels tend to rise. Patients with this condition must take a specifically designed type 2 diabetes diet, manage their weight and balance their nutritional intake to improve insulin sensitivity.

Signs of Diabetes

Identifying diabetes symptoms help in early diagnosis and treatment of different types of diabetes. Here are the common symptoms:

  • Increased thirst and frequent urination
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Blurred vision due to the fluid being pulled from the eye’s tissues
  • Slow-healing sores due to high blood sugar levels
  • Fatigue, as body cells are unable to access glucose for energy

Pregnancy Diabetes

As the name clears, this type of diabetes develops during gestation period i.e. pregnancy period. Though the condition resolves itself after birth, it requires careful management during pregnancy to avoid any complications for the mother and the baby. The management of pregnancy diabetes mainly focuses on controlling blood sugar levels while ensuring proper nutrition for both mother and the fetus.

To mitigate signs of diabetes in women during pregnancy, it is essential to focus on eating nutrient-rich food to ensure growth and support to mother and fetal health

A gestational diabetes diet mainly includes eating non-starchy vegetables and fresh fruits, including elan protein, increasing intake of unsaturated fats and opting for whole grains over refined grains.

Apart from this regular monitoring is also essential to avoid any sudden rise in blood sugar levels.

Prediabetes Diet

Prediabetes is a condition when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to fall in the category of diabetes. You need to make important dietary changes to manage prediabetes symptoms and improve your overall health.

Your prediabetes diet must focus on:

  • Reducing processed foods and focusing on whole foods like whole grains., vegetables and fruits
  • Including lean sources of protein such as chicken, salmon, sardines, beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.
  • Managing carbohydrate intake by taking low glycaemic index foods and portion control
  • Staying hydrated as it controls blood sugar levels

Nutritional Diet for Diabetes

The Diabetes Mellitus diet mainly focuses on taking a well-balanced diet that can regulate your blood sugar levels. Whether you are facing type 1 or type 2 diabetes symptoms, an insulin resistance diet can bring a significant difference in your health.

An effective meal for diabetics must:

  • Take whole grains like quinoa, oats, and whole wheat as these are the best foods for type 2 diabetes management.
  • Include foods with low glycaemic index so that they take time to digest and maintain stable blood sugar levels.
  • Indulge in balanced meals with a mix of carbohydrates and proteins to minimize blood sugar spikes
  • Opt for sources of lean protein like low-fat dairy products, legumes, fish and tofu
  • Intake of both animal and plant-based proteins to include richness in proteins
  • Limit high-fat meals and processed foods
  • Take healthy fats like seeds, avocados, nuts, olive oil, etc.
  • Intake high-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables
  • Limit sugary drinks
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Do regular exercise or be active in some kind of physical activity

Seek Professional Help

For those who are struggling to manage their diabetes, TIMETOBETTER is here to help you with a comprehensive approach. Our expert online counselling services aim to make your life healthier and more enjoyable.

Our online nutrition coaching and counselors are available 24/7 and help you with customized meal plans, help you in making lifestyle adjustments and offer one-to-one support. You can discuss your issues with our certified professionals specializing in diabetes management.

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